Defeating ants requires pest control in Jacksonville; they aren’t harmless bugs that will go away on their own. In their urine, feces, and saliva are numerous bacteria cells that can taint your food and surfaces and they have microbes on their skin. Many illnesses, including E. coli and salmonella, link these insects. On top of that, a few species are especially detrimental to the property. Carpenter ants are one of them.

Carpenter ants are a danger to homes and businesses because they wreck wood. It’s not easy blocking these bugs because they can enter through tiny cracks, and their colonies are sizable. Find out more about this subgroup and the best ant control solutions. Trad’s Pest Control can get rid of carpenter ants for you.

Let’s Talk About The Carpenter Ant 

Carpenter ants are 0.25 to 0.50 of an inch long; most subspecies are not this large. Some are tan, orange, brown, red, yellow, or reddish-black; however, most are black. Workers have fat mandibles, and reproductive swarmers have wings. The latter will fly from cocoons to conceive new ones during their mating periods.

When carpenter ants start attacking wood, they’ll build nests and tunnels in it. Lumber, spoiled tree bark, and logs are very desirable to them. Crevices in vents, foundations, wires, and utility lines are their passageways into human dwellings. Overhanging tree branches are a path to rooflines.

Carpenter ants’ diet is varied and includes pet food, honeydew secretion from aphids, sugary foods, insects, proteins, and meat. Considering bugs are a part of it, carpenter ants represent a substantial pest issue.

Carpenter Ant Habitat 

As you might imagine, carpenter ants surround soil and wood matter. Any area with a food and water source will be attractive to them, in any case.

Identifying Carpenter Ant Damage 

You’ll see changes in the strength of your walls and bases if carpenter ants are around. Termites are faster with their disasters, but the commonality is the level of destruction. In addition, you might not be able to observe ruins until late in the process. Sometimes, knocking on structures will urge the ants to run out. Infestation signs are as follows:

  • Finding stacks of wood shavings blended with ant body parts
  • Discovering the shed wings of swarmers
  • Hearing rustling inside walls
  • Having hollow-sounding foundations

Be sure to contact pest control professionals as soon as these signals are apparent, so you can try to save your property.

The Best Carpenter Ant Control

Preventative measures are a must if you want to keep carpenter ants away. Here’s how you can make your property less welcoming to them:

  • Close up holes in utilities, caulk, paneling, foundations, windows, and doors.
  • Put sweeps and weather stripping on doors and windows.
  • Have moisture breakdowns and leaks repaired as soon as possible. Start with those affecting wood.
  • Get rid of decaying wood and trees.
  • Put food and garbage in secure containers.
  • Wash dishes and clean the kitchen with detail on a routine basis.
  • Vacuum carpeting often.
  • Place loose wood and greenery away from the property by two feet.
  • Contact Trad’s Pest Control if you have critters carpenter ants eat.

Trad’s Pest Control can boost your deterrence endeavors and eradicate carpenter ants. We have industrial-grade treatments that are powerful, but they’re environmentally safe. You won’t have to worry about toxic chemicals harming people, domestic animals, and vegetation. “Do it yourself,” and commercial ant control solutions are pricey, noxious, and not intended for infestations. Our perimeter barriers, green baits, and more are what you need.

Call us today for a free estimate! We guarantee that we’ll get rid of carpenter ants!