If you’re like most people, the sight of a yellow jacket sends chills up your spine. These aggressive insects are known for their painful stings, and they can be a real problem in Jacksonville and throughout Florida homes during the summer months. If you think you may have a yellow jacket infestation in your home, it’s essential to know how to identify them, how to get rid of them, and when to contact an expert for pest control in Jacksonville like Trad’s Pest Control.

Anatomy Of A Yellow Jacket

Yellow jackets are wasps that get their name from the color of their jacket-like outer shell. They are about 1/2 inch to 5/8 inch long, and they have a black and yellow striped body. They can be easily identified by their narrow waist, which is the only part of their body that does not have stripes.

Yellow jackets have a thin waist and a smooth head. They can be confused with honeybees, which are also yellow and black, but honeybees have a hairy body and a round head.

The life cycle of a yellow jacket can be divided into four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Adult yellow jackets are the only stage that can sting. Eggs are laid in late summer and early fall and hatch into larvae in the early fall. The larvae will then overwinter in their underground nest. In the spring, the larvae will transform into pupae and finally into adults in late spring or early summer, which is usually when they start causing problems.

Yellow Jackets Nest Underground

Yellow jackets make their nests underground; a yellow jacket hole in the ground can be difficult to spot. The entrances to their nests are very small, about the size of a pencil eraser, and they are often hidden in bushes or under eaves.

The best way to identify a yellow jacket nest is by the activity around it. If you see a lot of yellow jackets flying in and out of an area, there is a good chance that there is a nest nearby. You can also listen for the sound of buzzing, which is a sign of a yellow jacket nest close by.

Yellow jackets that live in the ground are dangerous to people and pets because the yellow jackets inside can sting. Yellow jacket nests are also a danger to homes because they can damage the roof or siding.

Yellow Jackets Are Territorial

The yellow jacket is an insect that is very territorial and aggressive. They will sting anyone or anything that they feel is a threat, and they can be a real problem in Florida homes during the summer months when they are looking for food.

People can get stung if they accidentally disturb a yellow jacket nest, and pets can get stung if they wander too close to a nest. The danger posed by yellow jackets when they are aggressive can’t be underestimated. Their stings are painful and can cause an allergic reaction. In some cases, yellow jacket stings can be fatal.

How To Properly Remove Yellow Jackets

If you have a yellow jacket nest on your property, it is important to remove it as quickly as possible.

Here are some ways to remove yellow jackets: 

  • Use a vacuum cleaner: This is a safe and effective way to remove a yellow jacket nest. Be sure to use a powerful vacuum cleaner, and be very careful when removing the nest. You don’t want any of the yellow jackets to sting you.
  • Use a vinegar and water solution: Pour the vinegar and water mixture into the hole that leads to the nest, and the vinegar will kill the yellow jackets. Be careful not to get too close to the nest because the yellow jackets inside can sting.
  • Add extreme cold: If you have a yellow jacket nest on your property, you can also get rid of it by placing a bag of ice on the nest. The cold will kill the yellow jackets.
  • Use an Insecticide: You cal also use insecticide to kill yellow jackets but be cautious. It is essential to carefully follow the instructions on the label because misuse can be dangerous. Insecticide can be sprayed on the nest or poured into the hole that leads to the nest.

No matter how you decide to remove a yellow jacket nest, be careful and take precautions. These insects are very aggressive and can sting you, so the best way of getting rid of yellow jacketsis to leave the job to a professional pest control service.

If you have a yellow jacket nest on your Jacksonville property, it is important to remove it as quickly as possible. Trad’s Pest Control can help you do that safely and effectively. We’ve been serving Jacksonville and the surrounding communities since 1971! Contact us today to learn more about our bundled and specialty pest control services.