Fire ants are a common pest in the United States, and they can be a major nuisance right here in Jacksonville. They can also pose a health risk, as their stings can be painful and even dangerous. If you have fire ants in your home, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them.

About Fire Ants

Fire ants are small, red ants that are about 1/4 inch long. They have a painful sting that can cause a burning sensation, swelling, and redness. In some cases, fire ant stings can lead to anaphylaxis, a serious allergic reaction that can be fatal.

Fire ants are social insects, and they live in colonies that can contain thousands of ants. They are native to South America but have been introduced to other parts of the world, including the United States. There are two main types of fire ants: red imported fire ants and southern fire ants. They have large eyes and 3 teeth on the front of their head. Fire ants are extremely aggressive and will swarm to attack if they are disturbed.

Fire ants live in colonies that can be very large, with up to 500,000 individuals. The colonies are built in mounds, which can be up to 2 feet high. Fire ants feed on a variety of things, including insects, dead animals, and honeydew. They are also known to scavenge for food, and will sometimes enter homes in search of food. Fire ants are very active, and they can be seen foraging for food during the day and night.

Health Risks of Fire Ants

The sting of a fire ant can be painful, but it is usually not serious. However, in some cases, fire ant stings can cause an allergic reaction. This reaction can be life-threatening, especially in people who are allergic to insect stings. In addition to the pain and allergic reactions, fire ants can also pose a health risk by spreading disease. Fire ants have been known to carry bacteria that can cause infections. They can also contaminate food and water, which can lead to food poisoning.

Damage Fire Ants Can Do to Your Jacksonville Home

Fire ants are a common pest, and they can be a major nuisance. They can also pose a health risk, as their stings can be painful and even dangerous. If you have fire ants in your home, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them. Fire ants can do damage to a home in a few different ways. They can:

  • Build mounds in flower beds, lawns, and other areas around the home. These mounds can be unsightly and can also damage plants.
  • Dig tunnels in the ground, which can damage foundations and sidewalks. This can lead to structural damage to your home.
  • Enter homes through cracks and crevices, and then build nests inside the walls. This can cause damage to the structure of your home and may also attract other pests.
  • Feed on food and other materials, which can cause damage to furniture, carpets, and other items. This can lead to food contamination and damage to your belongings.

In addition to the physical damage that fire ants can cause, they can also pose a health risk. Their stings can be painful and can also cause allergic reactions. In some cases, fire ant stings can be fatal.

How to Detect Fire Ants in a Household

There are a few signs that you may have fire ants in your home. These signs include things like mounds of dirt in your yard or around your home. Also, trails of ants leading into your home. You may likewise see ants crawling on your furniture, floors, or countertops. Of course, a dead giveaway is being stung by fire ants. If you see any of these signs, it is important to take action to get rid of the fire ants.

Ways to Prevent Fire Ants from Entering a Home

There are a few things you can do to prevent fire ants from entering your home. These include the following preventative measures that are fairly simple:

  • Keep your yard clean and free of debris.
  • Seal up any cracks or crevices around your home.
  • Install door sweeps and weatherstripping on all exterior doors.
  • Store food in airtight containers.

Additionally, always be sure to keep pet food and water dishes clean and covered.

How a Professional Pest Control Company Can Eliminate Fire Ants

If you have a fire ant infestation, it is best to call a professional pest control company. A professional pest control company will have the experience and knowledge to get rid of fire ants quickly and effectively. The pest control company will likely use a combination of methods to get rid of the fire ants, including:

  • Baiting: This involves using a bait that is attractive to fire ants. The ants will eat the bait, and then carry it back to the colony, where it will kill the queen and other worker ants.
  • Mound drenching: This involves applying a liquid pesticide to the fire ant mound. The pesticide will kill the ants in the mound, and it will also kill any ants that come into contact with it.
  • Insecticide treatment: This involves applying an insecticide to the perimeter of your home. This will help to keep fire ants from entering your home.

Once the fire ants have been eliminated, the pest control company will recommend ways to prevent them from coming back. These recommendations may include sealing up cracks and crevices around your home, keeping your yard clean, and storing food in airtight containers.


Fire ants can be a major nuisance, but they can also pose a health risk. If you have fire ants in your home, it is important to take action to get rid of them. There are a few things you can do to prevent fire ants from entering your home, and you can also call a professional pest control company to get rid of them.